Marvelous Spirit Press

Empowering spirit!


Jon C. Stott

Jon C. Stott, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Alberta, has spent most of his summers beside lakes - as a boy at Shawnigan Lake on Vancouver Island, Canada, and, since 1971 (when he was a professor at Western Michigan University), at lakes in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Since his retirement, he has written non-academic books about minor league professional sports and the craft beer boom, along with retellings of traditional legends and folktales. The stories in Paul Bunyan in Michigan: Yooper Logging, Lore & Legends are set in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He is currently writing a celebration of and guide to the craft breweries and brewpubs of the Upper Peninsula

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Yooper Ale Trails [Hardcover] -- RESALE ONLY
Yooper Ale Trails [Hardcover] -- RESALE ONLY
Yooper Ale Trails [Hardcover] -- RESALE ONLY
Craft Breweries and Brewpubs of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Yooper Ale Trails [HC]
Yooper Ale Trails [HC]
Yooper Ale Trails [HC]
Craft Breweries and Brewpubs of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Yooper Ale Trails [Paperback]  -- RESALE ONLY
Yooper Ale Trails [Paperback] -- RESALE ONLY
Yooper Ale Trails [Paperback] -- RESALE ONLY
Craft Breweries and Brewpubs of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Yooper Ale Trails [PB]
Yooper Ale Trails [PB]
Yooper Ale Trails [PB]
Craft Breweries and Brewpubs of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
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Summers at the Lake [PB]
Summers at the Lake [PB]
Summers at the Lake [PB]
Upper Michigan Moments and Memories
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